Benefits of online self paced courses for learning outcomes

e-learning is great for learning at your own pace, with no need to travel.

It's also great for promoting learning and retention of the course material. To learn and retain new information, reading and listening are not enough.  


First of all the material being presented needs to be understood.  Videos can be stopped and started at will allowing repeats of any information that was "missed" and the online discussion forum within LQM's courses provides scope for questions if anything needs to be clarified. 

In addition, LQMs courses are regularly updated and take account of questions people have asked - adding details where needed.


Then the material needs to be engaged with in some way to help it "stick".

This could be as simple as a google search to investigate any unfamiliar ideas or looking up some of the many references LQM courses provide.  As the course is self-paced it's easy to pause anytime to read up further.

LQM's courses include multiple activities designed to further understanding, including quick questions or things to look up and longer practicals with formal video answers.

Spaced Learning

Finally, we remember the material we use - and that can mean going over it a second or third time.  With an online course learning can be spaced out and ideas revised a few days later.

You can find LQM's elearning courses here.

Understand Interact | Space Learning